Immovable Cultural Heritage Sector, Ministry of Culture


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Sektor za nepremično kulturno dediščino, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS
Maistrova 10, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 369 5900

The Immovable Cultural Heritage Sector, a part of the Cultural Heritage Directorate at the Ministry of Culture, performs significant tasks in order to support cultural policy and maintains the normative, professional and administrative-financial regulations related to the field of immovable cultural heritage.

See also

External links

Sektor za nepremično kulturno dediščino, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS +
Sektor za nepremično kulturno dediščino, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Maistrova 10 +
The Immovable Cultural Heritage SectorThe Immovable Cultural Heritage Sector, a part of the Cultural Heritage Directorate at the Ministry of Culture, performs significant tasks in order to support cultural policy and maintains the normative, professional and administrative-financial regulations related to the field of immovable cultural heritage. the field of immovable cultural heritage. +
The Immovable Cultural Heritage Sector, a The Immovable Cultural Heritage Sector, a part of the Cultural Heritage Directorate at the Ministry of Culture, performs significant tasks in order to support cultural policy and maintains the normative, professional and administrative-financial regulations related to the field of immovable cultural heritage. the field of immovable cultural heritage. +
+386 / 1 369 5900 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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